Gymnastics is important because it can help develop physical and mental skills, and can also teach life lessons.  At TRC GYMNASTICS, we are about developing the not only the gymnast but the developmental skills of all of our student athletes. 

Physical benefits

  • Strength: Gymnastics helps build strength in the arms, legs, shoulders, back, chest, and abdomen 
  • Flexibility: Gymnastics improves the range of motion in joints 
  • Coordination: Gymnastics helps develop coordination and precision 
  • Balance: Gymnastics helps develop balance and the ability to perform jumps and leaps 
  • Bone density: Gymnastics can help increase bone density 

Mental benefits 

  • Self-esteem: Gymnastics can help build self-worth and a sense of achievement
  • Stress management: Gymnastics can help manage stress levels and improve mood
  • Memory: Gymnastics can help improve memory
  • Spatial awareness: Gymnastics can help elevate spatial awareness

Life lessons

  • Patience: Gymnastics can help teach patience by learning to wait your turn 
  • Resilience: Gymnastics can help teach resilience by learning to get back up after falling




This is one of the many games we played at our team camp this week! Here are the rules:
– One person sits in the middle.
– Everyone runs around the floor until they hear STOP.
– The girls choose a corner to run to.
– The person in the middle chooses a corner before looking outside of the mats, and then gives them a quick conditioning exercise.
– Onto the next round!

Daily Camp Activities…Summer Fun at TRC Gymnastics | San Diego & Solana Beach

Summer fun, fitness and fantastic memories await all campers.

Morning warm-up/stretch, learning new gymnastics skills on vault, bars, beam and floor with our amazing staff, campers will make new friends, tumble track, team building games, free play open gym time, crafts, Kona Ice snow cones, and for all full day campers on Wednesday “picnic in the park” with fun, outdoor activities just a few blocks away at La Colonia Park.

All campers should bring a water bottle and snack daily.  Full day campers should also bring a lunch.




Mommy & Me Class

Mommy & Me and Kinder Gym (Cubs) at TRC SOUTH


Children 3 to 5 years old. Wonderful instructors utilize equipment specifically designed for the development of gross motor skills. Your child will develop hand-eye coordination, language skills, strength, flexibility, gym skills and self-confidence.

























TRC Summer Camp 2024

  • Half Day Preschoolers attend 9am-12pm, cost is $320/wk.
  • Full Day Campers attend 9am-2pm, $400/wk
  • All campers bring snack, water bottle daily.  Full Day campers also bring lunch.
  TRC Summer Camp 2024 – Solana Beach Location

  TRC Summer Camp 2024